Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

03 Instructor-Graded Assignment

03 Instructor-Graded Assignment

Q 1. In what respects did Mercy Otis Warren exemplify the concept of “Republican Motherhood” during the 1760s and 1770s? How well does her participation in the Revolution illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of this concept as far as it affected the role and status of women in the new United States? Your answer should provide specific examples from the reading to illustrate whichever position you adopt. 2. Rosemary Zagarri says that Mercy Otis Warren “had to overcome her sex in order to become a patriot.” What does she mean by that statement, and what events or individuals in Warren’s life support Zagarri’s conclusion? Do you agree with Zagarri’s argument? Your answer should refer to relevant information from the reading to make your case. 3. Identify and give the historical significance of the following: A. James Otis B. Thomas Hutchinson C. Catharine Sawbridge Macaulay D. The Group E. John Adams To submit your assignment: • Save your document as a .docx or .doc file. • Use this file naming convention: LastNameAssignmentNumber.fileextension (Smith3.doc). • Click on Submit Assignment to upload your file. • Once you submit your file, you will not be allowed to make any changes to your submission.

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Question 1 - The idea of women’s education has always been a controversial subject. Over the time, different leaders came forward with different ideas to ensure that the women receive equal rights as men and “Republican Motherhood” is one of those initiatives. The American Revolutionary period brought along this concept that helped to foster women’s education through the reasons why women should receive education. Mercy Otis Warren was one of the pioneering figures who took this concept and fostered it even more.